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Meet a participant:

Kristen got a Bike Tattoo

Many of us are happy with our bikes. But probably not quite as enthusiastic as Kristen from Texas, who participated in last year's BIKE TO WORK (VI CYKLER TIL ARBEJDE). Kristen was so excited with her cycling that she had her beloved light blue bicycle tattooed on her arm. Kristen tells her story here.

My husband and I moved from the United States (Texas) and have lived in Denmark for almost 2 years and we have loved our transition from driving our cars to now riding our bikes to get anywhere! We do not own a car here in Denmark and have no plans to get one. When we first moved to Denmark, we would ride our bikes mostly, except on really rainy days when we would take the train, but since the pandemic started, we stopped riding the train all together. Now our bikes are our sole transportation. We have learned since moving to Denmark that "there is no bad weather, only bad clothes"!

During last year's Bike to Work challenge, I got a tattoo of my bike to remind myself how happy and free I feel when I am on my bike and I will keep on riding!

When I saw the Vi Cykler til Arbejde – Bike to work challenge, I could not wait to sign up! I love riding my bike so much. My husband and I ride our bikes everywhere, everyday- no matter the weather. We use our bicycles not only for fun outings, but for any transportation. I had a basket attached to the front and back of my bike for when we needed to buy food, etc. and we also purchased bike bags for anything heavy we needed to transport. We even purchased a small Christmas tree to tote home in my back basket this past year!

A typical work week for me traveling to and from work was about 150 km each week (about 30 km each day)! Not only do I love riding my bike because I feel so free and relaxed, but I also lost about 10 kilos since I started biking. It is really great exercise for both your mind and body, especially after a long day of work.

During last year's Bike to Work challenge, I got a tattoo of my bike to remind myself how happy and free I feel when I am on my bike and I will keep on riding!

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Chris MacDonald: Sådan kommer du i gang

Vi ved godt, at det er sundt at cykle. Alligevel kan det være svært at finde motivationen. Men faktisk kan vi med ganske få virkemidler motivere os selv til at komme i gang med at cykle i hverdagen. Her får du 5 gode råd fra Chris MacDonald.

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